Being ghosted is probably one of the most unpleasant experiences we can have in the dating game today. It's not fun, it hurts, it's frustrating, it's confusing - it seriously sucks! So, how do you know if you're about to be ghosted? There are some ways that you can tell, and Hookupcloud has got a bunch of ways for you to get hip to the ghosting game. Take a look through these tips and advice, and start reading the signs. Once someone has decided to ghost you, the behavior is usually pretty self explanatory, and believe it or not, it's actually even a bit predictable. This doesn't mean that you still can't be taken by surprise, but it does mean that with this information, it will be much harder for someone to do to you, without you being prepared. Read on for more information.
How can one avoid being ghosted? There are several ways that this can be avoided, and it starts with allowing yourself to see the signs as they are happening. If you're having a bad gut feeling, because you know they're not looking for anything long-term, and you're always the one initiating contact, you need to listen to that. If they're frequently canceling plans with you, you can't be honest with them, and they're mysteriously, 'busy' all the time, you need to let yourself see the truth, and realize that these are all telltale signs of spooky things to come.
It's important to understand exactly what ghosting is, so lets take a closer look. Essentially, the act of ghosting is something that is abrupt and permanent. Someone will simply end all communication with you, providing no reason, ending, explanation, or communication of any type to justify their decision, or provide you with closure. This behavior is just plain mean, in reality and shows a lot about the maturity and communication skills of the person who's doing the ghosting. None of us wants to go through this, and while there are times when ghosting may actually be warranted, for legitimate reasons which we'll touch on later, for the most part, it is just plain mean and never a necessary thing to do to someone. So, how can you tell if you're about to be ghosted? You can't always stop this before it happens, but at the very least, you can prepare for it when you see it coming.
Well, the truth is that you don't always see it coming, but in a lot of cases it's likely that there will be signs. Most people don't generally disappear out of nowhere, they tend to do it gradually, hoping that you don't notice. In a lot of cases, people actually do not notice. In retrospect, if you've been ghosted and you look back, if you're really being honest with yourself, you'll likely be able to see that there were signs all along, and that you just didn't see them, because you were probably too upset and disappointed as they were happening, to be able to realize what the final result would be. It's never a fun thing to have to go through. It's terrible, really. The signs start out subtly, and go from there. One day, they're just gone, and you are left feeling hurt, frustrated, confused, and alone. Getting back to the point made earlier, the only time it's okay to ghost someone, is if you are getting away from a toxic or abusive situation, or you feel unsafe for any reason. That is all. With that in mind, lets start with the first sign that you could be on the road to being ghosted.
Well! Hey there, giant red flag! Seriously though, this is sign one that this isn't going to end well. If you try to push things into being more than what they are, you shall inevitably be ghosted. If the person you're talking to had already told you that they're not looking for anything serious, please believe them and don't look at them as a challenge that needs to be conquered. They don't care the way that you do, and you are definitely going to end up getting hurt. If this first point already applies to you, then you probably already know what you should do. In any case, lets continue.
This is an important one to consider because in any case, if you're always the one who is initiating contact, that's really never a good thing. If it's not a two way street, then you're probably wasting your time to begin with. No one wants to pursue a long-term relationship with someone who is constantly hounding them, or blowing up their phone. You wouldn't want to either. Consider that, because if they're not the one who is initiating contact with you, then really, it's only a matter of time before you stop hearing from them. If you stop making contact, that would probably be the end of it right there. Sounds a bit obvious when you think about it, but unfortunately, when we have feelings invested it can be hard to see the forest for the trees - even when you're about to walk right into one. If you're in a situation right now where you're the one who always seems to be initiating contact, it's a good idea to consider taking a step back. Sure, you may really like this person but if you're being honest with yourself, you'll probably realize that they don't likely feel the same way about you.
Sure, things come up and we all understand that. If someone is constantly canceling plans with you, or they're taking forever to make plans with you in the first place, chances are that they're not really that interested in being around you. They've probably found something that they'd rather do, and they're choosing to do whatever that is over spending time with you. OUCH - right? It's a harsh and unfortunate thing to think about, but at the same time, but it's also an important one to take notice of, and be honest with yourself about. No one can need to cancel plans all the time. If it happens once or twice, that's a different story. If you're about to be ghosted though, it's probably happening more frequently than that, and chances are that your gut has already told you that expecting to move forward with this person is a terrible idea. Which brings us to our next, very important point.
A fact that continues to remain true. When it's telling us something that we don't want to know, we tend to ignore our gut instinct, and try to brush it off as no big deal. Well, it is a big deal. If your instincts are telling you that something is wrong, you need to listen to them, because they're trying to tell you for a reason. How many times have you done it before? You've had a gut feeling about something, and you knew something was wrong...but you didn't listen to it, or you asked the person you're with about it, and you were told that you are wrong/paranoid/ridiculous, whatever. Generally speaking, when someone reacts to your concerns in such a way, then they've probably got something to hide. The kind of person who is ultimately likely to, or going to ghost you is probably going to deliver you such a response if you try confronting them and asking them questions. Take this into consideration, please. Especially if you have an instinct about something, you choose to do something about it, and you're met with a defensive attitude. This is a huge red flag, and that's exactly what your instincts are trying to tell you. Listen to them!
If they're constantly telling you that they're busy, then this needs to be a red flag. Sure, most of us are busy these days. Adulting requires a lot of time, right? Seriously though, no one is that busy all the time. Anyone who is really into you is going to make time for you. There's one universal truth that we all know, once we've spent a bit of time in the dating game; it is this: If someone wants to talk to you and/or spend time with you, they will. Period. They will find time, make time, have time. They will be there. No matter how busy someone is, there is always time somewhere that they could choose to spend with you. If your schedules do not align when those magical moments make themselves available, don't worry about it. Again, if they want to see you, they are going to find a way to make that happen. It might take a few tries but the amount of effort they do - or don't put into finding time to spend with you, is ultimately a testament to how much they care. If they're determined to make it happen, you're in good territory. If everything has to revolve around them, then you need to walk away - and if you don't, they will. Your ghosting session will be just around the corner.
If you are in a situation with someone that you can't be honest with, who can't handle you telling them the truth, then you are in a bad spot. You'll notice that the more you try to address things with them, the more they recoil to safer ground. They don't want to talk about it with you, because they're not concerned with how their behavior is affecting you. It's as simple as that. The unhappier you are with them and the more you try to address it, the less and less you're going to hear from them...until that day finally comes and, POOF, you have been ghosted. Someone who is not looking to put in the work with you is not going to listen to what you have to say for one simple reason; they do not care. Cut your losses and move on, because at the end of the day, this is classic behavior that will ultimately lead to you being ghosted. Stop making yourself so available and stop worrying so much about why they don't care, just accept the fact that they don't, and move on. If you don't, they definitely will - Casper style!
This is a big one because if your family and friends aren't liking this person, then that is something that you should really be taking into consideration. Especially under the circumstances. Think back to any of the times when you had a friend who was constantly making excuses for why their boyfriend was always missing in action, or being a deadbeat, or not getting back to them for days on end. What did you think of our friend at the time? Chances are, you felt that they were being played and maybe you even tried to tell them how you felt. Maybe it went over okay with your friend and maybe it didn't, but you knew they were in a bad spot, right? Well, that's how your family and friends are now feeling about you and Mr/Ms no-call/no-show. They're not trying to give you a hard time, and what they're saying may not be what you want to hear, but you need to at least take a minute to consider what they're telling you. Especially if it's more than one person in your circle.
Seriously, how much time are you looking to spend on someone who clearly isn't into you? You're going to end up getting very hurt, and yes, ghosted. If you're frustrated now, imagine how frustrated you'll feel when they disappear on you altogether. Yikes, right!? We really hope that you don't hang around and end up at this point, but at the very least, you will be able to see it coming now.
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