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Get Discreet With Quincy Womenin Illinois
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straight single man
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Quincy, Illinois
Fun loving and adventurous.I enjoy spending time helping family and friends. I like to unwind by going out and walking thru the woods, listening to the sounds around us and watching the hawks and eagles fly along the creek. I enjoy watching plays and musicials at the theaters (the Muny is the best). I like hunting, fishing and going on the river. I believe in being upfront and honest even if you don't like what I say. I like to sit on the sofa, throw a blanket over us and spoon. Yes girls you heard right a straight man that admits he likes to cuddle. Even after sex!! But I also enjoy spontaniouis sex,on a park bench,in a parking lot, on the hood of someones car, out in the woods, on top of the Quincy Bay View bridge. That one is my fantasy place.