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Get Lucky Tonight With Local Women In Germantownin Maryland
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46 yrs old male 1st time trying this & would like to have some new adventures
Germantown, Maryland
I'm 47 with dark brown hair, hazel eyes & in pretty decsent shape. I'm a huge Redskins fan. As a matter of fact, I went jet skiing with Joe Gibbs about 15 years ago. That was sooo cool!!. I like all types of sports & like to stay active. I spend some of my free time fishing & golfing. I also like spending quiet evenings at home with the right person. Although there hasn't been anyone to spend it with in a while. I treat women with respect. I'm kind,caring,loyal & like to have a good time. I don't like acting my age. I don't want to grow old too fast. But I do act responsibly when it's called for. I'm a jeans & t-shirt kind of guy, but I clean up pretty well for a night on the town. I love to laugh & have a good sense of humor. Since this took me about a 1/2 hour to type this, I'll move on to my ideal match. (Not the speediest typer in the world)