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Get Discreet With Crete Womenin Illinois
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Crete, Illinois
Hi, I believe that being up front and honest is the best way to be. I don't think at this point in my life or in the woman that I meet , we need to front about who we are. Good conversation, openness, understanding of a person is what I look for. I believe in the HYB principles (HANDLE YOUR BUSINESS). You should handle the daily affairs in your life and not put things off. I want a woman who handles her business because just maybe she may need to handle our business one day. I like a woman who knows who she is, she understands and knows her strenghts and weaknesses. This is just a small sample of what I would like to talk about concerning myself and my date. You can never really know me by reading a profile, we have to interact with each other. Remember you can't judge a book by it's cover, you have to read the pages to understand the story. The question is are you willing to read the pages or just look at the cover.