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Ladies In Albury Meet For Casual Sexin New South Wales
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straight single man
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Albury, New South Wales
I have spent all my life living & practicing the belief that the joy of sexual encounters are to be shared just as any other act of friendship is shared. My devotion and commitment to my wife is the outward sign of my love for her, just as likewise she for me. Our ability and practice of sharing sexual encounters is only carried out as a sihn of loving friendship, never as some act of lustful "bonking" of the first available body. All those we have shared sexual activity with are friends, not all our friends have we shared (or intend to share) sexual encounters with. No score is kept, nor is any encounter made on a 'tit for tat" basis. We each have our own friends, as well as our "common friends" , just as with any other type of relationship. WE have many shared interests, as well as interests that are our own personal interests, just like other couples. We trust each other, for in the sharing of our sexual interests with others there is no competition... we do not "fall in love" with those we share sexual encounters with, any more than we "fall in love" with those we share a cup of coffee with, or some other more traditional act of friendship. My stromg interests are in community well being, assisting those in the community who seekassistance with any thing that I am able to assist. It may be dealing with Governmental departments ( I have a "gamblers thrill" in dealing succesfully with any departmnet (govt or private( that does does not not make such encounters simple and easy for those who are required to travel such roads). I am not a handy man, but enjoy researching and locating solutions to lifes myriad of problems, be they maine or those of struggling strangers