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Be A Cheating Husband In Dallas With Ladiesin Texas
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Beautiful Woman, Let Me Be Your Secret!
Dallas, Texas
NOTE Please know that I am new on this site as of 2/21/06 and I am not a Gold or Silver Member as of yet. I am going to Try this site out. If you wish for me to respond to your email, please include a way for me to contact you in the email that you send me! Now! I am a nice well groomed 29 year old young man who is not only interested in your sexual desires, I would like for us to get to know eachother. No matter what we do in the bedroom or in private, your still a lady in my eyes, and that's what really matters. Once you have spent time with me, you will see that I am all you should need. Your a woman, and there will be times you need your space, "I understand." There will come times that you may not want to talk, "I understand." You may want a friend, and a Lover in one man, I can be that, "I understand." You may want a meal prepared for you, I can and will do that, this also "I understand." I could go on and on, but your a Woman, you get the point, and "I Understand." Smile..