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Internet Dating With Salt Lake City Women Gets Excitingin Utah
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punk turnes hippie
Salt Lake City, Utah
OLD PUNK TURNED HIPPIE, KIND OF ,I GEUSS I'm a vegan, i love riding my motorcycle ,i love to paint ,and cook and really love to take road trips i've settled down i geuss,but still like to have a good time. i love good food and wine[gabbiano] and imported beer[spaten] I don't take life serious i want to have fun while im here want to make someone dinner. want to walk throughout the city want to talk about how things are beautiful ,travel , stay at home ,laugh, sing, dance ,love. I want to build a house, build my own furniture. I'm not into material things ,though you couldnt tell by my 60 inch big screen, you know i dont even know what i'm up against here. lets take a look at these other guys damn, i give up just kidding hahahaha these are silly but for some reason i cant stop writing i've had an amazing life shared it with many beautiful people i feel i have many roads left to travel like a good friend to share it with i can be very passionate and affectionate bear with me i can stand tall and on my own but i'm not some regular guy dont like sports, predjudice,(angerballs),tv or vanity i do love strong women, creative, liberal, spiritual, open and honest i must admit i lean towards brunettes or exotic looking features but i'm attracted to all looks i used to work out alot but i didnt find what i was looking for in that. So now im out of shape not chubby or anything just out of shape most people say i look buff .whatever that means i have alot of tatoos from my younger days took all my peircings out dont wear them very much anymore. im into looking at life as beautiful and everyone as beautiful and see the light in everyone.anyway blah blah blah yakity smakity give me a sign (cuz there everywhere)