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Get Discreet With Euless Womenin Texas
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straight single man
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Outgoing, adventurous, love good food and better wine
Euless, Texas
Im outgoing, adventurous, love good food and better wine. I love to do the cooking (but dont particularly enjoy the cleaning). Spontaneity has been known to appear suddenly and without warning. Wit and intellect are common denominators. Im articulate and expressive. Several business degrees provided me with financial opportunities, but I have learned that there is much more to life than money. So I followed my heart. Nuff said for the moment. Although I dont consider myself exactly the quite type, I am very discrete and respectful of the desires of others. And while I might express a reserved opinion, you will come to find I do have an opinion. However, knowing when and how to exercise that opinion is what separates the meat from the potatoes. Theres far more to this equation that can reasonably uttered in this box.