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Be A Cheating Husband In Honolulu With Ladiesin Hawaii
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straight single man
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Women or Couples (man and woman) for 1-on-1 sex or Discreet Relationship
Honolulu, Hawaii
i am your typical upbeat personality, proud of the choices I've made and the life I lead. I'm the type who's always looking to improve on what I have. Hello! I'm bored with my life right now. I need some action to break out of this rut! I've always been good at letting the moment provide. The philosophy I live by is that you don't have to be loud and gregarious to be interesting. My friends call me when they're in the mood for fun, smart conversation. When I'm at home alone, a lot of personal projects and hobbies keep me occupied. I like my partners to be down-to-earth and not too wild. I look forward to seeing how the online dating world works. If you contact me remember that emails with a photo get special consideration. I'm not changing my life, I'm just trying to make it more interesting.