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Looking For Women In Littleton Is Easyin Colorado
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I am extremely oral, like to give massages, and enjoy foreplay to get things started
Littleton, Colorado
I am a 59 year old , who appreciates the woman and her body. I do whatever is necessary to make my mate feel comfortable and at ease when we are together. I like to treat her like a woman is supposed to be treated, with respect.,compliments and affection. I am 5'9", I weigh approx 220 lbs.. I have a mustache, and my hair ( I have all of it still ) is completely a shiny white . I believe in keeping myself fit and keep myself hygenically clean. I try to dress as comfortable as I can, depending on the situation. I like jeans and a comfortable shirt, but when necessary, I can dress super spiffy. I like to dress up ocasionally, it makes me feel and look good. I like to show my affection to my mate during and after a lovemaking session. I might be 59, but I still act like I'm in my 20's when an evening of affection is allowed.