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Think you have what it takes to break my bordom
Bountiful, Utah
I'm 5'9 about 175lbs with a lot of love to give. I'm easy going, fun to be with. I'm the shy type until the door closes behind me,( But if opportunity Knocks you can bet Ill answer the door lol ) I'm sentimental, funny, and have a good heart and sense of humor, and knows how to appreciate a good women. I love sex and fondling. I'm looking for a discrete friendship with benefits for now with no commitments at the moment. but who knows. I love giving and receiving oral sex. I believe in satisfaction for the women by doing whatever it takes to sexual please her and to please her in general and looking for the same in return. I believe in long free play stimulates the sexual need of both and makes it more enjoyable. I also believe that women should be treated like they deserve to be, A WOMAN, and not just a piece of meat. Person must be clean and drug free, Should be honest and open minded. Size does not matter if your slim or BBW as I feel its not whats on the outside that counts, its what on the inside in their heart and soul that really makes a person. They should be able to Laugh, Cry, Love, and Communicate, with someone, NOT BECAUSE OF SOMEONE OR ABOUT SOMEONE. A true relationship is all about honesty, trust, love, communication, friendship and to be able work together not against one another. Well I guess you get the general Idea where Im coming from. I love to play pool on pogo, Everyone knows me as TheCueBallMaster on pogo and ya hoo messenger. I am also known as TheCueRules2 at em es en dot com I'm not a paid member as of yet so I cannot e-mail a responce back from here. If you got the general Idae then you know how to get in touch with me and I hope I hear from you soon.