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San Francisco, California
I originally did not want to write this novel but I started and just kinda rolled w/it... but now I'm thinking; reading this, just might weed out some bad seeds for me... Soo.....whats it like??.....you know.........being so D*MN PERFECT, and all??? ...Must be rough... and then having to write about it too! Its a bit intimidating for me to contact you...you know?(referring to many of the profiles here) ..And if they A R E all truthful.,Y CANT YOU ASK ME-) Why...I ask? ....... ...Because, around here, "GOOD" Women are "A DIME A DOZEN!" THERE'S JUST TOO D*MN MANY OF YOU!!! ...and thats why Im here. (ha ha ha)! I, on the other hand, have plenty of reasons for Y IM HERE!" In fact, I have new ones popping up daily! Let me put it this way ...its a High Stakes game, ...and if you take a gamble with me... ...you'll be dealt cards like these *********KING OF HEARTS *********A PAIR OF TENS *********A WILD ONE *********and a "spade" (or shall I say "jaded") ACE HIGH! I play with HUNEYS Only![pun intended]..............no draw! **BAD NEWS ------------ no "Royal B*TCH" here... (oops)..I mean "Royal FLUSH" **GOOD NEWS------------ you get a "WILD ONE!" Yes, I know, I need some work! But at least I've put'em on the table 4 U! You aren't folding are you? I wouldn't! After spending some time 2gether... things clicked and we hit it off... When I leave... Don't start thinking(you know nothing good ever comes when you gurls do that), and get scared of your feelings, and not call me 4 a couple of days... (thats what I consider "GAME PLAYIN" and everybody's talkin about how they don't play'em)... ...so if you had fun call me... if u didn't tell me! If we both had an incredible time 2gether, you'll be dancing in my head all week. I'll be waiting 2 hear from you... so please dont make my butterflies fly away!!! Ya know how I do...Mikki D over here and I'M LOVIN IT! Wanna taste??Show you whatchu been missin out on! Holla!