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CunningLinguist of 50 years seeks women 47
Atlanta, Georgia
Out of the corner of your eye she appears, as if from nowhere. Gazing at her, she holds your eyes with hers. Yes, you are being watched. Your breathing becomes shallow, that ubiquitous electric feeling courses through your body as you wonder, and anticipate her pouting lips meeting yours for the first time. As she walks by, her heady, sensual perfume belies her own delicious natural scent. All either of you has to do is SAY HELLO. Whew! I almost got lost in that, but now let's switch from fantasy to facts I am a nice southern man who has a definite "bad man" side. I am also a bright, sociable, young-at-heart, funny, sensual, well-educated, sensitive, quick-witted kinda guy who enjoys having FUN in the time allotted to me on this relatively small, blue planet. I do my best to take one day at a time, to be in the moment, and I am rather spiritual in nature. An excellent listener, I am also able to share/risk talking about myself to an interested, trustworthy individual. I have a passion for life, discovery, and exploration of the world at large, to include whomever I'm with. I'm really not used to tooting my own horn, so suffice it to say that "To define me is to limit me".