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Find Women In Gainesville For Local Menin Georgia
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straight single man
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Motivation looking for stimulation
Gainesville, Georgia
To be frank, I am an open, straightforward, and outspoken individual. Though quite resolute in my ideas about union and love, I do believe that communication is the most important factor in any relationship. I did socialize well at black-tie events, but am now more than comfortable doing chores naked around my house, grilling in the nude or skinny-dipping. My interests are too many to list and diverse of nature. I try just about anything at least once, have no taboos, am very kinky, but also maintain a very positive outlook on life and living. Sexually, I prefer to put a lot of emphasis on foreplay, using my tongue, hands, and feet to caress every pore and crevice on your body until you beg me to stop. It makes me hot just thinking about eating hairy pussy for hours on end, day or night. As you can tell, I love body hair, but its not a prerequisite. The only characteristics that I totally object to are dishonesty and obesity.