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Contain your excitement, and get started browsing through the many hot male users on the site looking for the same thing you are: a spontaneous and purely fun night!
Start getting ready for an out-of-this-world hookup with a hot guy of your preference near you. Make sure you bring your willingness to have fun and try new things!
We have so many gay male members that you can come back every day and go on a date with a new hot man!

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Match seeking in the real world has so many risks. Sometimes it is hard to gauge people's sexuality, and if you know for sure, it's even more difficult to figure out whether they are interested in you or not! It is the worst thing to embarrass yourself by making the first move and having the guy not be interested in you, or - and this is a real nightmare - not be interested in guys! Too be fair, most boys shouldn't knock it until they try it, but that's their loss! It's hard to avoid people making secret little judgements about you, but the greatest way of combatting that is staying away from doing anything gossip worthy to begin with. This is what makes HookUpCloud perfect!

Find Other Males Here!

HookupCloud.com is perfectly anonymous if you want it to be, thus safely separating your professional or social life from your hookup life! There is no reason for our 'play' to get in the way of our 'work' just because you're not monogamous or straight. Nobody has to know about who you embarrassingly tried to hook up with at the Christmas party, because you respectfully left the office early to spend the night with a hot guy who knows what your intentions are. It's not awkward when you plant the first kiss, because he had those very same intentions and was about to lean in for a smooch himself! Every guy you meet online is looking for the same general thing - a good time! It's so easy and so much fun to take it from there and have a great night to remember, without any and all embarrassing rumors! Consider it risk free to give Hookup Cloud a try. Sign up now for access to a wealth of the SEXIEST GUYS AROUND!

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Find Out Why They Love The HookupCloud!

24, Sacramento

I spent two years of University studying my butt off and not involving pleasure in my life. I found myself lacking any social ties - but bless my lucky stars, finding HookupCloud has opened up my social circle to a slew of hot brainy guys just like me, looking to blow off steam before the big exam.

31, Jackson

I'm just a carpenter in an oppressively straight workplace, and trying to meet people to flirt with isn't as easy as building furniture. I always feel like a hammer trying to loosen a screw free... But there's a whole world of hot guys out there and now it's right at my fingertips with HookupCloud.com. And boys, I know how to handle wood!

28, San Francisco

I started going to a gym in another part of town in hopes of meeting super fit gay men. HookupCloud has made me realize that the hot guys that I was looking for were in my own neighborhood all along, and now I see three or four of them a week. I get to put my fit body to maximum use, showing it off as much as possible!

28, Los Angeles

Finding hot, single men in my neighborhood was near impossible. HookupCloud gave me the freedom to choose the guys I wanted without having to deal with all the other dudes in the Gay community that I wasn't interested in. I have, however, found the hidden young gems among all the old men - and they really make it all worth the effort.

Take The stress out of finding a man

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Take Control Over Your Bedroom Life

Don't let the stress of self-motivated male match-making in the real world have you feeling all anxious during your important daily routine. Hookup Cloud offers you peace of mind, with a reassuringly easy way of accessing the hottest, most fun-loving single gay men in town. Every body type preference has been accounted for with our incredible selection of hunks, freeing you from those persistent worries of finding 'your type.'

There Are SO Many Different Types Of Guys!

Twinks, Bears, Jocks, Power Bottoms - You'll meet the sexiest of the pack! There are so very many options to choose from! Every time you log on, you're being plugged into the perfect hookup forum for homosexual males who love having a good time and trying new exciting things. With Hookup Cloud, it's so easy and fun to explore new and exciting ways of hooking up - especially when you've been paired with someone who is new and exciting themselves!

Hook Up Every Night!

Every night, every week, every month you can find a new sexy match to hook up with, all at your own discretion. You get to pull the shots, deciding when you want to hook up, and who with, without feeling like you need to play by someone else's rules or whims. Due to its spectacular user activity, Hookup Cloud is convenient to you and flexible to your work schedule. Where ever you are and whenever you feel like it, there are always amazing options waiting for you at your fingertips. `

You Can Have What You Desire

If you so desire, you'll meet a wealth of individuals who perfectly match your hookup partner specifics. And if you're feeling more adventurous and aren't looking to be comforted by your usual desired guy, you're a click away from a new, completely diverse hottie who just might want to help you discover your newest kink!

The Hookup Rules

#1 - All Hookups Are NO STRINGS ATTACHED

Our site is for anonymous hookups and that's it! If you want to find a boyfriend, you need to go somewhere else. We strive to maintain our environment of anonymity and we expect to keep it that way.

#2 - Don't Make It Awkward

When the hookup is over, go home! Do not make things awkward and stick around. Again, our site is for one night stands and hookups, so when the fun is over it's time to leave.

#3 - No Names

We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to members communicating outside of the site without consent. If one of our members doesn't want to be found, we want them to know that their identity is a secret on our site. Do not attempt to contact a member through any other site than ours.

#4 - Do Not Get Caught

If you are in a relationship and hooking up on HookupCloud, you aren't alone. The quickest way to spoil the fun is by getting caught, so be careful so you can keep coming back for more!

Our Rules MUST Be Followed

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Show Off Your Best You by Hooking Up With Someone New

The anonymity on HookupCloud offers you a chance to let go of all your insecurities and least favorite personality traits, to show off the best version of yourself as possible to your matching cute guy. Your match doesn't have to know your occupation, your family, your income - simply if you don't want them to know. You can be a complete secret, making them more interested in you because of your mystery, and making you just feel damn cool! By not revealing certain facts about yourself, you are leaving much to be created in the imagination of your new partner. You can even create a new version of you that you are more comfortable hooking up as, if that makes you feel more comfortable! You'll find it very empowering! It may make you feel much more comfortable trying new and fun things in the bedroom that you wouldn't have been able to put your mind to fully with your everyday personality convictions.

Hooking Up Can Be So Empowering!

By not sharing your deeper, more vulnerable you to your new playmate, you bring back a sense of personal empowerment that we often lose when beaten down by long-term relationships and close-minded, judgmental friends and family members' views on sexuality. You will feel looser and more prepared to discover a new side of yourself in the bedroom you may not have been flexible enough to try before. But most of all, you get to embellish all your best traits that you might not show off normally. All of our users are so positive, that you'll feel great showing yourself off in good fun. Hooking up as your best self can be a great confidence boost! And just the knowledge that you and your match are there for the same reason - because of a mutual attraction for each other - is enough to boost anyone's confidence!

Our Hottest Gay Members Are Talking!

I have this secret sauna fantasy that I've never been gutsy enough to act on in person or tell a partner about. But now that I've shared my fantasy with singles on HookupCloud, I have steamy encounters on the regular with super hot guys with open minds to all sorts of fantasies. This website brought my dreams into reality!

John Doe


27, San Jose

I'm heavily involved in the gay community in my town, and I have been with a lot of men in my time. The tension there is all gone, but the hot guys I've met recently on HookupCloud, have been among the best hookups I've ever had. The fresh faces and enthusiasm in these guys has it standing out as one the best forums to meet young gay men!



22, Dallas

I never had luck with conventional hook-up methods. I went on a few dates but partners never seemed 'into' it like I was. I was lonely, and disappointed that I couldn't find any guys like me, but I was incredibly lucky with my first few meetups on HookupCloud. I've made over ten consistent, understanding sex partners who can safely and healthily fulfill me.

Jane Doe


27, Las Vegas

HookupCloud brightens my week and gets me through the tough slogs!

SleepyDuder876, 28, New York

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