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Browse through the selection of hot couples that want you to join them as the new third member in the bedroom! They're waiting for you!
Make a couple happy as a couple of clams and indulge in the fun of hooking up with two different people at the same time! It's selfless, helpful and oh-so-exciting!
We have so many couples looking for a third that you can hook up with a new couple every day! The fun never ends here, so hurry up and join!

Hot Couples Are Waiting For You

Help Complete Their Bedroom Experience!


In a relationship landscape where many couples can't be intimate with each other and can't fully get into or commit to sharing a real profound sexual experience, you are providing a focus point! They felt as if something was missing, and since you have been brought into their bedroom experience, you fill that void by acting as something they can work on together. Together they can use you as the vessel for their un-acted-upon desires, and you get to experience them taking all their secure, trusting relationship lust out on you! Sounds like a WIN/WIN situation to us! It's easy to imagine yourself with just one person, the Hollywood style of love and sexuality. Monogamy? More like, monotony! Have you considered giving a COUPLE a chance? There are thousands of Hot Couples waiting for you to make a move - you just have to take an online step in their direction.

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You are a hot commodity in the world of couples! You're not just any other person, you're another sexual entity who can satisfy and be satisfied. You will be treated like royalty. They will hail to their new bedroom king - and you, your highness, will come out of the hookup the most satisfied of everyone. As a couple, they will be so tied up in what each other is doing and feeling, so if just one of them focuses heavily on hooking up with you and making you feel good, then the other will join in and match that eager effort to provide you bodily pleasure. Don't wait around for just one person to satisfy you, double the chances of getting off tonight with the digital aid of Hookup Cloud. If you're looking for a certain aesthetic, look no further. Hookup Cloud is culturally diverse, and there is a flavor for every tongue. Treat yourself tonight with a sensual couple. It's nice and comforting just knowing that you are completing the trilogy of their sexual experience.

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They Love Being The Third Wheel!

32, Los Angeles

I work as a divorce court lawyer, so I never get a chance in my line of occupation to meet happy couples to get involved with. With HookupCloud.com, I've found a wealth of healthy couples stable enough to involve a third-member in the bedroom. The comfort level with these couples has helped me fulfil my kink time after time!

23, Las Vegas

It can get so awkward hooking up with the same couple over and over again, like when they start feeling comfortable arguing around you? Ugh, there's a reason I'm not in a monogamous relationship! HookupCloud keeps things from getting stale with a brand new couple every week just looking for a great time with someone fresh in the bedroom.

29, Atlanta

Hookupcloud gave me a new approach to meeting women. I almost gave up on dating websites, until I found this one. Dating sites were alright, but I never wanted a relationship and the girls didn't like that. This site is awesome, the girls want to hookup just as much as I do so it isn't awkward. I've met a ton of chicks on here already, and I've only been on a week! I recommend it for all the dudes that want an easy lay with no strings attached. Everything just falls into place now and I feel like a stud!

26, Chicago

I thought my dating life was over after losing the movement in my legs, but HookupCloud has opened up my life to respectful loving couples who enjoy taking care of my needs. I've come to really enjoy being able to take part in these couples' most intimate desires, giving the greatest tragedy of my life a silver lining.

Interact With The Hot Guy & Girl Couples

Then Hook Up With Them!

Get Laid, While Saving The Day

HookupCloud is full of couples waiting for the perfect guy to come around and enter their private life. They are looking for a hero to swoop into their dull relationship narrative to rescue them from monotony. Often when couples decide to open themselves up to a third member, they don't know where to start. They don't have a forum to look for a third partner, and there is no conventional ways in everyday life to look for a third member for the bedroom. These sexy, needy couples don't always get the chance to meet interesting singles because they both also lead their own strong independent busy lives! They have a taxing work schedule and they more recently moved to the big city! They nearly lost their sex life before finding Hookup Cloud, a place where they can finally start looking around for a potential third wheel - that could be you!

Be The Satisfied Hero Of A Couple's Relationship!

On Hookup Cloud—one of the best free dating sites online—couples know that they are able to meet an array of interesting, unique people that are not afraid to experiment in the bedroom one bit. It's such an easy, relaxed and casual way of finding couples who really speak your language and are willing to try new things. And if you feel weird about getting in the way of their relationship, like you are sullying it or something, keep in mind that they NEED this just as much as you desire it. You are playing a pivotal role in their relationship narrative as a milestone of their bond, and possibly their savior - the knight in shining armor that swooped in and fixed everything!

The Rules Of The Couple Hookup

#1 - Know Your Role

When you're hooking up with a couple, you aren't the star, you're there as more of a supporting character. So know when to take action and when to do as you're told. Be ready and open for anything!

#2 - Get Off, Go Home

If you are at a couple's home and you just had a great threesome, don't be weird and linger around. Once the fun is over, you need to go home! You don't want to ruin your invite back in the future.

#3 - You Must Remain Anonymous

People come to our site so they can do all the things they love in secret. You should never ask for a member's real name or attempt to contact them outside of the site!

4# - Keep An Open Mind

If you have never had a threesome then you're in for a treat. Don't hesitate to go outside your comfort zoom to discover something you never knew you liked.

Our Rules MUST Be Followed

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The Sexiest Couples Want To Share Their Most Intimate Kink With You

Being single is such a great, unpredictable way of living where plans can change and 'on the spot' spontaneity can drive your life in an entirely new direction. The leading motivation behind Hookup Cloud users' is spontaneity because hooking up often takes at least one person who is very spontaneous to occur. HookupCloud makes the spontaneous element more accessible and easier to go through with, but the element of surprise still remains there when you meet up through the website. The act of two people meeting and hooking up is still inherently nerve-wracking. Regardless, some people don't get enough of a jolt out of the unpredictability of a hookup between two people planned through the internet. They often take it to the next level, with the hottest most exciting thing that can be done: hooking up with a couple.

New Couples Mean A New World Of Hooking Up!

While being in a relationship yourself is very stable and predictable, the act of entering someone else's relationship as the third partner is an entirely different story! It's practically the opposite of stable and predictable, when you're THROWN into the middle of the action of two people's pre-established relationship. You are blindly entering their inner circle, which includes their inside jokes, their insecurities, and of course their limits - or lack thereof - in the bedroom! There is such a comfort between these couples that they've probably experimented more heavily than even the wildest single boys and girls. And now you get the exciting convenience of being inserted right in the middle of it all as a SINGLE PERSON! You are going to be so surprised by the lengths that these couples will go to experience something new in the bedroom. And you will be the star of the show! You are their guest and their new playmate!

Find Couples Now!

Our Hottest Members Are Talking!

I started meeting women in relationships on HookupCloud, but whenever we would fool around I would get the creeping feeling that something - or someone - was missing! I started asking girls if we could involve their boyfriends, until I found that HookupCloud is a great forum to meet couples already looking for a guy like me for their love life!

John Doe


26, Detroit

I just moved to NY and I'm a big contributor to the art scene. I'm meeting a lot of cool girls here, but I'm honestly more experimental in the bedroom than I am with my paintbrush. After finding this website, I've been able to meet realy creative couples who like to take part in private interactive art pieces in their own bedrooms!



29, Boston

I've been dying to indulge in a menage et trois, but finding that special couple has been impossible. Believe me I've tried. Clubs, bars, warehouse parties, but there is never the right combo of people. Getting three lovers together can be a lot of work, but HookupCloud makes it easier by connecting you with COUPLES who want to hook up!

Jane Doe


27, Bakersfield

Consensual, compatible couples are always at my fingertips!


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